EBNA2 induces the expression of the FcRH5 gene. EBNA2 activity was induced in BJAB-K3, BL41-K3, and DG75 (clone SM295) cells by estrogen. RNA samples were collected before induction (time 0), and 6 to 48 hours after inducing EBNA2, as indicated. (A) cDNA were synthesized and used as template in quantitative real-time PCR with FcRH5 specific primers. Fold increases in mRNA content relative to the time 0 sample are shown. Mean and SEM of 2 to 5 independent experiments are shown. (B) Northern blots were performed using RNA samples obtained from BJAB-K3 cells, and a FcRH5-specific probe. On the right, the arrow indicates the position of the FcRH5 mRNA. On the left, the positions of the 18S and 28S rRNAs are indicated based on ethidium bromide staining. The bottom panel shows ethidium bromide staining of the gel. A representative experiment is shown.