Modulation of angiogenesis in HT-1080 onplants: inhibition of inflammatory cell influx by ibuprofen and its rescue by exogenous heterophils. (A) Collagen onplants containing 5 × 104 HT-1080 cells were incubated on the CAM of nontreated embryos (left panels) or embryos treated systemically with ibuprofen (middle and right panels). In addition, a subset of ibuprofen-treated embryos was engrafted with HT-1080 onplants containing 5 × 104 purified heterophils isolated from peripheral blood (right panels). At 72 hours, onplants were harvested and frozen in OCT compound or fixed in formalin. Cryosections were immunohistochemically stained with mAb 29-7 to visualize human cells (top panels) or chMMP-9–specific antibody to visualize heterophils (arrows, middle panels). Paraffin-embedded sections were immunohistochemically stained with chMMP-13–specific antibody to visualize monocytes/macrophages as brown rounded cells (bottom panels). (B) Angiogenic response and the heterophil and monocyte influxes were scored at 72 hours in control onplants (ctrl) and onplants containing 5 × 104 HT-1080 cells (HT), which were placed on nontreated embryos or embryos systemically treated with ibuprofen (IB). Isolated heterophils (Het) or erythrocytes (Ery) were added at a concentration of 5 × 104 cells per onplant to the 2 subsets of HT-1080 onplants grafted on the CAM of ibuprofen-treated embryos. Angiogenic response was determined as a fraction of onplant grids containing the newly formed blood vessels (top graph; bar indicates mean). Influx of heterophils was determined as a tissue density of chMMP-9–positive cells scored in × 20 tissue images (middle graph). Influx of monocytes was determined as a tissue density of chMMP-13–positive cells scored in × 20 tissue images (bottom graph). Data are presented as the mean ± SEM. Shown is a representative of 3 independent experiments. Statistical significance was confirmed (P < .05) for each variable in comparison with the previous experimental group as depicted in the scatter and bar graphs.