Numeration and phenotypic analysis of fetal liver cells at 13.5 days after coitus.(A) Histograms show the absolute number of cells from the total liver. Total cell number (× 105 ± SEM) is indicated at the top of the histograms for Pitx2+/+, Pitx2+/–, and Pitx2–/– fetal livers. Each bar of the histogram is divided in 3 parts, according to the content in each sample of the 3 different cell populations: TER119+ erythroid cells (white), CD45+ hematopoietic cells (black), and CD45–/TER119– nonhematopoietic cells (gray). (B) Histograms show the absolute number of progenitor cells in normal and mutant fetal livers. Total CD45+/c-Kit+ cell number (× 104 ± SEM) is indicated at the top of the histograms for Pitx2+/+, Pitx2+/–, and Pitx2–/– fetal livers. Each bar of the histogram is divided in 3 parts, according to the content in each sample of the 3 different cell populations analyzed: Sca1high (black), Sca1low (gray), and Sca1neg (white). For both panels, the results are shown as the means of n experiments. *Statistically significant differences (P = .02 by Student t test) between total populations.