Figure 4.
Analysis of the effects of Sox4 on myeloid cell differentiation. Single-cell-derived 32Dwt18 clones (MIGR1-Bcr-abl, MIGR1, MIGR1-Sox4 Clone A, MIGR1-Sox4 Clone C) were treated to differentiate in the presence of Epo (6 U/mL). Prior to treatment with Epo, a fraction of the culture was harvested and washed with PBS, and cytospin preparations were made. The rest of the culture was washed with PBS and replaced in media containing Epo and lacking IL-3. Each culture was refed every 48 hours. At day 6, samples of the cells were washed with PBS, and cytospin preparations were made. Slides were stained with Wright-Giemsa stain and analyzed by light microscopy to visualize morphologic changes. Images were acquired digitally on an Olympus Vanox microscopes (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) equipped with a SPIano 100× oil immersion lens (NA = 1.40) and a ProgRes camera (Kontron America, Poway, CA) using AutoCyte image-capture software (AutoCyte, Burlington, NC). Images were cropped and assembled using Adobe Photoshop (Adobe, San Jose, CA).