Effects of hypoxia-mimetic agents and intermittent hypoxia on survival of leukemic mice that received transplants. (A-B) Leukemic cells (2 × 106) from BM and spleen of hMRP8–PML-RARα transgenic mice were injected intravenously into FVB/N mice. Seven days later, 15 μg/g body wt of CoCl2 (A) or 50 μg/g body wt of DFO (B) and equal volume of normal saline (NS) were intraperitoneally given every 2 days until first mice were moribund. Healthy mice (broken line) without treatment were used as controls. Survival curves are shown by Kaplan-Meier methods. (C-D) Leukemic cells (2 × 105) were transplanted into FVB/N mice by tail vein. Then, these mice were randomly placed into intermittent hypoxia on day 1 (early phase/hypoxia) or day 7 (middle phase/hypoxia) after transplantation or kept in normal oxygen (leukemia/normoxia). Normal mice that did not receive transplants in normal oxygen (Healthy/normoxia) and in intermittent hypoxia (Healthy/hypoxia) were used as controls. Dynamic changes of body weight (C) and Kaplan-Meier curves are shown (D). For all experiments, every treatment included 10 mice and every experiment was repeated 3 times with similar results.