Figure 3.
Reduced deformability index of Rac1–/–;Rac2–/– erythrocytes. Ektacytometry of Rac1–/–;Rac2–/– RBCs was used to determine the maximum value of deformability index (DImax). Results are expressed as mean ± SD of 12 Rac1–/–;Rac2–/– blood samples and 6 WT, Rac1–/–, Rac2–/– blood samples obtained 2 weeks after completion of treatment with pI-pC. P < .001 by t test for the difference between Rac1–/–;Rac2–/– and WT. Rac1–/– and Rac2–/– blood samples had no statistically significant difference from WT.