Increased suPAR serum levels for donors and patients on the day of leukapheresis after G-CSF administration. Serum samples of allogeneic donors and autologous patients were obtained before G-CSF administration (35 and 22, respectively) and on the day of leukapheresis (34 and 66 patients, respectively) (A-C); suPAR(I-III), suPAR(I), and suPAR(II-III) levels were measured. The boxes extend from the 25th to the 75th percentile with a line at the median. For the paired analysis serum levels of suPAR(I-III), suPAR(I), and suPAR(II-III) from individual allogeneic donors (n = 17) (D-F) and autologous patients (n = 14) (G-I) were plotted before mobilization and on the day of leukapheresis. Number of CD34+ progenitor cells as determined by flow cytometry plotted against full-length suPAR serum levels in allogeneic donors (n = 21; panel J, NS) and autologous patients (n = 66; panel K, NS). *Statistically significant increase (unpaired t test for panels A-C; paired t test for panels D-I). NS indicates not significant.