Figure 5.
BCL6 protein expression in gastric lymphoma. (A) The results of immunostaining for 5 gastric lymphoma cases with non-Ig/BCL6 translocations, 2 representative examples of cases with Ig/BCL6 translocations, and 1 example of cases with BSE1 mutation in the BCL6 binding motif are shown. Normal lymphoid tissue (tonsil) was used as a control for BCL6 immunostaining. *DLCLML case. (B) The distribution of BCL6 protein expression in tumor cells of the 38 cases of gastric lymphoma. 2-tailed χ2 test was used for statistical comparison. • indicates DLBCL cases; ○, DLCLML cases. (C) Kaplan-Meier curve showing BCL6 protein expression versus OS of gastric DLBCL and DLCLML patients. (D) In gastric DLBCL, the Kaplan-Meier curve showing the OS of the GCB subtype versus the non-GCB subtype.