Figure 2.
2MeSADP-induced platelet aggregation, dense granule secretion, and TXA2 generation in WV and G2KO mouse platelets. Washed and non–aspirin-treated WT and WV mouse platelets (A-B) or WT and G2KO mouse platelets (C-D) were stimulated with 2MeSADP (100 nM), in the absence of exogenously added fibrinogen, for 3.5 minutes at 37°C under stirring conditions, and platelet aggregation (A,C) or TXB2 levels (B,D) were measured as described in “Materials and methods.” The data are represented as the percent maximal TXB2 generated by 2MeSADP in WT platelets. In panels A and C, corresponding luminescence in each sample was recorded. Each bar is the average of 3 experiments ± SEM from 3 different donors.