Immunohistochemical staining for LMO2 in normal hematopoietic tissue. Low- and high-magnification images of normal tonsil sections show LMO2-specific staining within germinal centers; LMO2 staining is localized to the nucleus and is also found in intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) within the tonsil epithelium. Double-immunofluorescence labeling on tonsil tissue shows colocalization of LMO2 staining (green nuclear stain in all panels) with CD20 (red, membrane), CD3 (red, membrane/cytoplasmic), CD10 (red, membrane), and CD79a (red, cytoplasmic) staining in germinal-center cells. CD79a+ plasma cells lack LMO2 staining. Normal thymus shows rare, scattered LMO2-positive cells in the cortex and medulla. Normal spleen shows LMO2-specific staining in germinal centers of secondary lymphoid follicles and sinusoidal lining cells, whereas the mantle and marginal zones lack staining. The bone marrow shows LMO2 staining in subsets of immature myeloid (MPO-positive, red) and erythroid (glycophorin-positive, red) precursors and in megakaryocytes (LAT-positive, red). Red immunofluorescence is indicated by r; green immunofluorescence, by g.