Experimental design of transplants. (A) Three classes of embryos result from the genetic crosses. X1 is an outcross of Nf1+/− -to βc−/− mice. This is to establish Nf1 and βc null alleles within the same animal. X2 is another outcross to βc−/− mice to homozygose the βc allele in Nf1+/−, βc−/− mice. By intercrossing, Nf1+/−, βc−/− mice X3, the 2 classes of embryos are generated. (B) To test the effect loss of βc has on Nf1−/−-induced MPD, Nf1+/−, βc−/− mice are intercrossed and fetal livers from embryos of the correct genotype are harvested. Lethally irradiated recipients are injected with 2 million fetal liver cells and allowed a 4- to 8-week recovery period. These primary recipients are then killed to provide bone marrow for secondary recipient transplantation.