Box plots of expression profiles of genes exhibiting common patterns. Expression levels of select genes exhibiting progressive loss (top 3 panels), progressive increase (middle 3 panels), or increased followed by decreased expression (bottom 3 panels) across the sample groups, as ordered in Figure 2. Sample groups are plotted along the x-axis, and the natural log-transformed Affymetrix-derived signal is plotted on the y-axis. Top, bottom, and middle lines of each box correspond to the 75th percentile (top quartile), 25th percentile (bottom quartile), and 50th percentile (median), respectively. The whiskers extend from the 10th percentile (bottom decile) and top 90th percentile (top decile). Open circles denote outliers within each group. MGUS and MM from MGUS on the left side of the figure represent clusters in the MGUS-L MM branch of Figure 2, and those on the right side represent clusters in the non–MGUS-L MM branch.