Figure 6
Figure 6. Transfer of CD4+ T cells from [H2-Ab1−/− → C3H] mice transmitted GVHD in [B6 → C3H] chimeras. The [B6 → C3H] and [C3H → C3H] chimeric mice were sublethally irradiated and injected with splenic CD4+ T cells (1 × 107) isolated either from [WT → C3H] or [H2-Ab1−/− → C3H] mice, respectively. The survivals after transfer (A) and weight change (B) are shown (n = 3 to 5 per group). [C3H → C3H] chimeric mice were transferred with [WT → C3H] CD4+ T cells (□) or [H2-Ab1−/− → C3H] CD4+ T cells (○). [B6 → C3H] chimeras underwent transplantation with [WT → C3H] CD4+ T cells (▪) or [H2-Ab1−/− → C3H] CD4+ T cells (•). *P < .05, **P < .001.

Transfer of CD4+ T cells from [H2-Ab1−/− → C3H] mice transmitted GVHD in [B6 → C3H] chimeras. The [B6 → C3H] and [C3H → C3H] chimeric mice were sublethally irradiated and injected with splenic CD4+ T cells (1 × 107) isolated either from [WT → C3H] or [H2-Ab1−/− → C3H] mice, respectively. The survivals after transfer (A) and weight change (B) are shown (n = 3 to 5 per group). [C3H → C3H] chimeric mice were transferred with [WT → C3H] CD4+ T cells (□) or [H2-Ab1−/− → C3H] CD4+ T cells (○). [B6 → C3H] chimeras underwent transplantation with [WT → C3H] CD4+ T cells (▪) or [H2-Ab1−/− → C3H] CD4+ T cells (•). *P < .05, **P < .001.

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