Figure 4
Figure 4. Quantitative assessment of mRNA expression in single cells. Single cells of each CD8+ T-cell subset were sorted, and cells expressing each gene identified, as shown in Figures 2–3. In all cells that scored positive for the expression of any particular gene, the mRNA expression levels of that gene were further quantified. (A) Each graph shows 3 cells from each population. We show GZMA and RANTES amplification because these genes can be found in all cell sets, and thus their expression levels can be directly compared. (B) Correlation between the number of mRNA molecules expressed by every single cell of TEM and TEMRA compounding subsets. Individual cells expressing GZMA, IL-10Rα, and RANTES from either TEM or TEMRA were ordered according to the expression level of that gene and attributed an ordinal point. The number of mRNA molecules associated with each ordinal point from TEM subsets was plotted against the correspondent ordinal point values of the equivalent TEMRA subset. The dots in the graphs represent the intersection of the values derived from the number of mRNA molecules expressed by 1 TEM cell (horizontal axis) and 1 TEMRA cell (vertical axis). Data are from 1 of 3 donors.

Quantitative assessment of mRNA expression in single cells. Single cells of each CD8+ T-cell subset were sorted, and cells expressing each gene identified, as shown in Figures 2–3. In all cells that scored positive for the expression of any particular gene, the mRNA expression levels of that gene were further quantified. (A) Each graph shows 3 cells from each population. We show GZMA and RANTES amplification because these genes can be found in all cell sets, and thus their expression levels can be directly compared. (B) Correlation between the number of mRNA molecules expressed by every single cell of TEM and TEMRA compounding subsets. Individual cells expressing GZMA, IL-10Rα, and RANTES from either TEM or TEMRA were ordered according to the expression level of that gene and attributed an ordinal point. The number of mRNA molecules associated with each ordinal point from TEM subsets was plotted against the correspondent ordinal point values of the equivalent TEMRA subset. The dots in the graphs represent the intersection of the values derived from the number of mRNA molecules expressed by 1 TEM cell (horizontal axis) and 1 TEMRA cell (vertical axis). Data are from 1 of 3 donors.

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