Figure 5
Figure 5. The profile of gene expression of each CD8 subpopulation is the same in different donors. Results represent the profiles of gene expression of various CD8 subsets from a different donor than the one shown in Figures 2–3. Cell sets were isolated, and individual cells and genes were disposed as described in Figures 2–3. To fit into a single figure, we show only major represented populations and cytotoxic and chemokine mRNAs, because these genes by themselves clearly define the properties of each CD8 subtype.

The profile of gene expression of each CD8 subpopulation is the same in different donors. Results represent the profiles of gene expression of various CD8 subsets from a different donor than the one shown in Figures 2–3. Cell sets were isolated, and individual cells and genes were disposed as described in Figures 2–3. To fit into a single figure, we show only major represented populations and cytotoxic and chemokine mRNAs, because these genes by themselves clearly define the properties of each CD8 subtype.

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