A model of hematoendothelial differentiation in hESC/OP9 coculture. Hematopoietic and endothelial cells develop from early precursors identified by a CD34+KDR+(CD43–) phenotype. These precursors appear at day 3 of differentiation and retain hematoendothelial potential up to day 5, but after 6 days, CD34+CD43– KDR+ cells constitute a population of committed endothelial cells (ECs). CD43 is identified as a specific marker of early hematopoietic progenitors. Two types of CD43+ hematopoietic progenitors are identified in hESC/OP9 coculture: (1) CD43+CD41a/CD235a+ erythro-megakaryocytic progenitors (E/Mk-HP) first detectable on day 4 of differentiation, and (2) CD43+CD41a/CD235a– multilineage (mLin) progenitors (HP1) appeared 2 days later. Emergence of E/Mk-HP before mLin HP1 and residual expression of VE-cadherin, FLT1, and CD105 endothelial markers by HP1 cells may reflect a step-wise endothelial commitment of CD34+KDR+ hematoendothelial precursors (block arrow): CD34+KDR+ precursors at initial pre-endothelial commitment stage are only competent to generate E/Mk-HP through CD235+ intermediates, whereas multipotent HP1 are derived from CD34+KDR+ precursors with an endothelial phenotype (VE-cadherinhighCD105high). HP1 have lymphomyeloid potential and a gene expression profile found in the most immature hematopoietic progenitors. HP1 transition to CD45+ stage (HP2) is associated with progressive myeloid commitment and a decrease of lymphoid potential. CD34+CD43–KDR–CD26high cells arise along with the first CD34+KDR+ cells and may comprise more than 20% of total CD34+ cells in hESC/OP9 cocultures. These cells are devoid of detectable hematoendothelial potential.