Bortezomib continues to demonstrate improved survival compared with high-dose dexamethasone, and overall quality of response continues to improve with longer bortezomib treatment beyond initial response. (A) Updated overall survival in the bortezomib (n = 333) and high-dose dexamethasone (n = 336) arms, plus overall survival in the subset of dexamethasone patients who crossed over to receive bortezomib following PD within 6 months of study start (n = 113); the baseline characteristics of these poorer-prognosis patients are not matched with those of patients on the bortezomib arm. (B) Time to maximal serum M-protein reduction plus time to first evidence (≥ 25% serum M-protein reduction) of response in patients responding to bortezomib in whom baseline serum M-protein data were available (n = 111 of 135 responders), as a proportion of all patients randomized to bortezomib.