Experimentally and simulated distributions of engraftment levels and trends. (A) Distributions of engraftment levels at 7 months after transplantation in primary hosts. (B,C) Distributions of engraftment trends (ie, differences in engraftment levels between month 3 and month 7 after transplantation) in primary (B) and secondary (C) hosts. According to the number of experimentally determined engraftment kinetics, we simulated the repopulation of n = 87 primary host and 8 pairs (n = 16) of secondary hosts. Boxplots show the median (black line), the interquartile range (box), and the total range (whiskers, or circles in case of “outliers,” ie, data points that deviate from the median more than 1.5 times the box range). P values are given for the Bartlett test of equality of variances.