Cdc42 deletion promotes expansion of myeloid cells. (A) Representative FACS analysis of bone marrow cells by Gr1/Mac1 staining of the indicated genotypes at 14 DPI. P2 gating represents the Mac-1+, Gr-1lo population of immature monocytic cells. The numbers shown indicate the percentage of cells within each gate. (B) The frequencies of Gr1+/Mac1+ cells from bone marrow, peripheral blood, and spleens determined by flow cytometry are shown. (C) Mice were injected with one dose of BrdU 2 hours prior to being killed. Representative histograms (left) and statistical quantification (right) of BrdU incorporation determined by flow cytometry of the Gr1+/Mac1+ bone marrow cells and splenocytes are shown. (D) Representative FACS analysis of Gr1+/Mac1+ cells from WT and KO bone marrow by annexin V/7-AAD staining shows increased survival of the KO cells. Numbers indicate percentage of cells within each gate.