Figure 2
Figure 2. Histologic analysis of MPDs. (A-C) Peripheral blood (PB) smears stained with Wright-Giemsa; insets show high-magnification images of representative neutrophils. (D-F) Bone marrow (BM) aspirates stained with Wright-Giemsa. (G-I) Paraffin-embedded sections of sternum (ST) stained with H&E. (J-L) Paraffin-embedded sections of spleen (SP) stained with H&E. (L) Dashed outline encompasses pockets of immature and maturing myeloid elements. Images were obtained using an Olympus microscope (Model BX45, Tokyo, Japan) equipped with an Olympus DP12 digital camera (top row: 40× Plan Air objective/0.6NA (insets, 100× oil objective/1.26 NA), middle row: 10× Plan air objective/0.3 NA, bottom two rows: 4× Plan air objective/0.1NA), and processed using Microsoft PowerPoint (Redmond, WA).

Histologic analysis of MPDs. (A-C) Peripheral blood (PB) smears stained with Wright-Giemsa; insets show high-magnification images of representative neutrophils. (D-F) Bone marrow (BM) aspirates stained with Wright-Giemsa. (G-I) Paraffin-embedded sections of sternum (ST) stained with H&E. (J-L) Paraffin-embedded sections of spleen (SP) stained with H&E. (L) Dashed outline encompasses pockets of immature and maturing myeloid elements. Images were obtained using an Olympus microscope (Model BX45, Tokyo, Japan) equipped with an Olympus DP12 digital camera (top row: 40× Plan Air objective/0.6NA (insets, 100× oil objective/1.26 NA), middle row: 10× Plan air objective/0.3 NA, bottom two rows: 4× Plan air objective/0.1NA), and processed using Microsoft PowerPoint (Redmond, WA).

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