PD-1highCM9+CD8+ T cells are characterized by low proliferative capacity. (A) Flow cytometry plots showing the CFSE profile of annexin V−CM9+CD8+ T cells. Cells were cultured for 6 days in the absence or presence of CM9 peptide. A representative sample from 5 macaques tested is shown. (B) PD-1+CD3+ and PD-1−CD3+ cells were sorted, labeled with CFSE (PD-1+ CD3+) or FarRed (PD-1−CD3+), and cultured in the absence or presence of CM9 peptide. The PD-1 control (FMO) and specific staining in a presort sample is shown on the left. Cells were harvested on day 6 and stained for PD-1 expression. Histograms depict the CFSElow and FarRedlow populations in the annexin V−CM9+CD8+ T cells. A representative example from 3 macaques analyzed is shown.