Isolation, self-renewal, and differentiation of the ROSlow and ROShigh subsets. (A) Isolation of ROSlow and ROShigh populations. ROSlow or ROShigh Lin−CD45+AnV− marrow cells were isolated using DCF-DA cell-permeable intracellular ROS indicator. R2 indicates ROSlow; R5, ROShigh. (B) LTC-ICs at 6 weeks (top), CFU-Cs at 10 days (middle and bottom). (C) Competitive repopulation assay with 10 to 2500 cells. A total of 10 mice for each cell dose were used for the transplantation in 2 independent experiments. (D) Multilineage reconstitution potential (left). Myeloid differentiation skewing of the ROShigh population (right). Values represent the means plus or minus SEM. *P < .05; **P < .01.