Figure 3
Figure 3. Neutrophils adhere to cytokine-stimulated cultured endothelial cells. Phase-contrast photomicrograph of the adhesion of human neutrophils to control (left) and interleukin-1–treated (right) human umbilical vein endothelial monolayers taken at the end of a 10-minute adhesion assay. Reproduced with permission from American Society for Clinical Investigation.15

Neutrophils adhere to cytokine-stimulated cultured endothelial cells. Phase-contrast photomicrograph of the adhesion of human neutrophils to control (left) and interleukin-1–treated (right) human umbilical vein endothelial monolayers taken at the end of a 10-minute adhesion assay. Reproduced with permission from American Society for Clinical Investigation.15 

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