The relative CD1 gene expression corresponds to the CD1 protein expression pattern of dendritic cells cultured in the absence or presence of immunoglobulins. The CD1 gene expression was analyzed in DCs after 6 days of culture in IL-4 and GM-CSF and AS, FCS, or FCS supplemented with 0.5 mg/mL IVIg in a 2-step-process. First, total mRNA was transcribed into cDNA using random hexamers and pT-primers. Second, the CD1 genes and GAPDH (as endogenous control) were amplified with gene-specific primers using a real-time PCR kit based on SYBRgreen technology. The real-time data were analyzed using the comparative Ct method and the data presented as fold-change in gene expression. The graph shows relative CD1 gene expression (± standard deviation) of DCs cultured in FCS (■), AS (), or FCS with IVIg () from 1 representative experiment of 2. The real-time PCR was done in triplicates and a no-template control was included.