WASpI294T 300.19 cells form dysmorphic microvilli. (A) SEM micrographs of WASpWT and WASpI294T 300.19 cells. Enlarged sections of the same cells are shown in the bottom panels, with dysmorphic microvilli visible in WASpI294T cells (arrowheads). Scale bars represent 1 μm. Images were acquired viewing in a JEOL 6700F FESEM, captured using JEOL software and analyzed with Adobe Photoshop (crop, image size, and brightness/contrast functions only). (B) Cells were blindly scored by 2 independent reseachers for presence of normal fingerlike or dysmorphic broad microvilli. The quantification for at least 50 cells from each condition is shown. WASpI294T cells showed a significantly increased percentage of cells predominantly forming dysmorphic structures and a significantly reduced percentage of cells with a predominance of fingerlike microvilli (P < .05 for both; Fisher exact 1-tailed test). (C) Anti–p-ERM Western blotting of extracts derived from 300.19 cells expressing EGFP (SEW), WASpWT, or WASp reveals that overall ERM activity remains unaltered between the cell types. Top panel represents Western blot of p-ERM; bottom panel, total ERM staining to monitor equal loading between samples. Immunoblots are representative of 3 independent experiments.