IgVH gene segment usage in familial and sporadic CLL stratified by mutational status. (A) Familial CLL. (B) Sporadic CLL. Only the 10 most frequently used gene segments are individually presented. For sporadic CLL, “other” encompasses the subtypes: 3-7; 4-39; 3-9; 3-74; 4-59; 5-51; 1-3; 1-18; 3-15; 4-4; 4-30; 1-46; 3-53; 4-31; 1-8; 3-49; 6-1; 3-13; 3-72; 2-26; 4-61; 4-b; 5-a; 1-58; 3-64; 1-24; 3-20; 2-70; 3-22; 3-43; 3-66; 3-73; 3-h; 7-4; 7-81. For familial CLL, “other” encompasses the subtypes: 3-7; 4-59; 3-74; 4-39; 1-18; 3-13; 1-3; 4-b; 5-51; 6-1; 3-72; 4-31; 1-8; 3-15; 3-53; 4-4; 4-61; 5-a; 3-9; 3-20; 3-73; 1-46; 2-70; 3-64; 3-66; 7-4.