Nature and numbers of types of clinical phenotypes in individual patients. Green bar represent patients with only breakthrough infections (159 patients); all the others represent a noninfectious complication (with or without breakthrough infections). Blue bar indicates those with lymphocytic infiltration alone (38 patients); mauve bar, those with autoimmunity alone (72 patients); pale yellow bar, those with enteropathy alone (7 patients); pale blue bar, malignancy alone (1 patient); purple bar, lymphocytic infiltration and autoimmunity (28 patients); pink bar, enteropathy and lymphocytic infiltration (8 patients); blue bar, lymphocytic infiltration and malignancy (1 patient); pale purple bar, enteropathy and autoimmunity (3 patients); dark blue bar, autoimmunity and malignancy (2 patients); bright yellow bar, autoimmunity, lymphocytic infiltration, and enteropathy (9 patients); pale green bar, autoimmunity, lymphocytic infiltration, and malignancy (4 patients); dark red bar, lymphocytic infiltration, enteropathy, and malignancy (1 patient); dark green bar, autoimmunity, lymphocytic infiltration, enteropathy, and malignancy (1 patient).