Proportion of neutrophils and monocytes in bone marrow cytospins from LPS-injected mice. G-CSF−/−/GM-CSF−/− (G,GM-CSF−/−) and wild-type (wt) mice were injected with LPS as described in the legend to Figure 1. Bone marrow cells were collected from both femura and prepared for cytospins. Slides were stained with May-Grünwald/Giemsa, and differential counts were performed using a Nikon 90 I microscope with a 60× oil lens. (A) Proportion of polymorphic neutrophils (PMN, solid symbols) and monocytes (open symbols) in G-CSF−/−/GM-CSF−/− mice and wt mice, respectively. Symbols refer to values for individual mice, with averages for each group indicated by horizontal bars. (B) Fold increase in the proportion of neutrophils (left panel) and monocytes (right panel) with time after challenge of mice with LPS. Solid symbols, G-CSF−/−/GM-CSF−/− mice; open symbols, wt mice. Error bars represent SE.