Characteristics and phenotype of CD34+ cells after wire-induced injury. (A) Number of CD34+ cells isolated by bead selection from control (sham) or WT injured mice at various time points after injury, expressed as cells per milliliter of blood. Sham animals received a general anesthetic and skin incision but no wire injury. CD34+ cells from day-0–injured animals were isolated within 1 hour of injury. (N = 12 per group). (B) Flow cytometric analysis of TF expression on CD34+ cells from noninjured mice, sham-injured mice, or mice injured 2 days previously. (C) Clotting time of recalcified mouse plasma in the presence of CD34+ cells isolated from sham mice or 3 days after injury. An anti-TF antibody or isotype control was added to cells after injury as indicated. N = 3. Clotting time in the absence of cells was 1020 (± 109) seconds. Data are presented as means plus or minus standard error of mean (SEM).