HIV-R3A infection preferentially depleted Treg cells in DKO-hu HSC mice. Cells from spleen and mLN were harvested from each HIV- or mock-infected mouse at 1 week after infection. Mouse CD45− and human CD45+ VLD−CD3+ cells were gated to analyze CD4/CD8, CD4/CD25, and CD4/FoxP3 from spleen (Spl; A) or mLN (B). The data shown are representative of 3 independent experiments with at least 3 DKO-hu mice in each group. Summarized data of percentage of CD4+ cells (C), percentage of CD3+CD8−CD25+ cells (D), percentage of CD3+CD8− FoxP3+ cells (E), and number of FoxP3+ cells per organ (F) in spleen and mLN of HIV-1– versus mock-infected mice are shown. Error bars indicate standard errors. *P < .05.