Figure 2
Figure 2. LD structure and haplotypes in PZ genes. (A) Depicted is the LD structure between the haplotype tagging SNPs: rs3024718, rs3024731, and rs3024772 are in tight LD. (B) Shown are the 4 haplotypes defined by 3 tagging SNPs capturing 97% of the genetic variation for this single LD block within the entire PZ gene.

LD structure and haplotypes in PZ genes. (A) Depicted is the LD structure between the haplotype tagging SNPs: rs3024718, rs3024731, and rs3024772 are in tight LD. (B) Shown are the 4 haplotypes defined by 3 tagging SNPs capturing 97% of the genetic variation for this single LD block within the entire PZ gene.

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