The SNP and CNV alleles in the human FCGR2,3 gene locus at chromosome 1q23 that contribute to susceptibility to autoimmune disease are shown schematically, including the genetic variation in FCGR2C in the study on ITP by Breunis et al. (The alleles are defined in that article.) The balance of activation and inhibition contributes to greater or lesser susceptibility to autoimmune disease.

The SNP and CNV alleles in the human FCGR2,3 gene locus at chromosome 1q23 that contribute to susceptibility to autoimmune disease are shown schematically, including the genetic variation in FCGR2C in the study on ITP by Breunis et al. (The alleles are defined in that article.) The balance of activation and inhibition contributes to greater or lesser susceptibility to autoimmune disease.

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