Neutropenia resulting from Mcl-1 deletion cannot be rescued by loss of Bim and Puma. (A) MCL-1 and BIM protein levels as determined by immunoblot analysis of BMDMs generated from control mice (wild-type and Mcl-1f/null) or mice in which Mcl-1 and/or Bim could be deleted by LysM-Cre (Mcl-1f/null plus LysM-Cre, Bimf/f plus LysM-Cre, and Mcl-1f/nullBimf/f plus LysM-Cre). Blots were probed for actin expression to serve as a loading control. (B) Representative flow cytometric analysis of blood from mice of indicated genetic backgrounds stained for Mac-1 (CD11b) and Gr1. Gate (Mac-1+Gr1high) contains mature segmented neutrophils; numbers represent the percentage of white blood cells. (C) Representative flow cytometric analysis of bone marrow from mice of indicated genetic backgrounds. Top right quadrant is designated as mature neutrophils; bottom right quadrant, immature neutrophils. (D) Graph of the average number of total BM cells from the hind limbs of mice of indicated genotypes. Graph represents average numbers of at least 3 mice analyzed per genotype; error bars denote SEM. (E) Graph denotes the average total number of mature BM neutrophils (Mac-1+ Gr1High) from mice of indicated genotypes. Graph represents average numbers of at least 3 mice analyzed per genotype; error bars denote SEM. *P < .01 by 2-tailed t test when compared with littermate control population.