BCL2 and CCND1 gene amplifications in MCL confirmed by FISH analysis. FISH of representative metaphases with BCL2 (red), IGH (green), CCND1 (orange), and CEP11 (green) specific probes. (A) The HBL2 cell line shows a tandem high-copy number BCL2 amplification (red arrow). (B) The BCL2 locus is amplified in a primary MCL (red signals) from the validation set that also showed a 18q21 amplification by CGH. (C) The HBL2 cell line has an amplified CCND1-IGH rearrangement (red arrow) and 2 nontranslocated chromosomes 11 with CCND1 signal (red) below the centromere of chromosome 11 (green). The CCND1-IGH amplified fusion was confirmed by a dual-color dual-fusion probe (data not shown). (D) The MAVER1 cell line has 2 high-level tandem amplifications of CCND1 (red arrows) in 2 different chromosomes: one corresponds to the complex t(11;14) translocation in chromosome 6.11 The chromosome carrying the second amplified region has not been identified. A nontranslocated chromosome 11 with the red CCND1 signal associated with the green centromere 11 probe is also observed.