Figure 1
Figure 1. Results of genome-wide association scan. Regional plot of mean platelet volume association results for the chromosome 7 loci across the 3 GWAS. Meta-analysis log10 P values are plotted as a function of genomic position (Build 36). The P value for the lead SNP rs342293 is denoted by large red (GWAS) and blue (combined discovery and replication) diamonds. Proxies are indicated with diamonds of smaller size, with colors assigned based on the pairwise r2 values with the lead SNP in the HapMap CEU sample: red (r2 > 0.8), orange (0.5 < r2 < 0.8), or yellow (0.2 < r2 < 0.5). White indicates either no LD with the lead SNP (r2 < 0.2), or loci in which such information was not available. Recombination rate estimates (HapMap Phase II) are given in light blue, Refseq genes (NCBI) in green.

Results of genome-wide association scan. Regional plot of mean platelet volume association results for the chromosome 7 loci across the 3 GWAS. Meta-analysis log10P values are plotted as a function of genomic position (Build 36). The P value for the lead SNP rs342293 is denoted by large red (GWAS) and blue (combined discovery and replication) diamonds. Proxies are indicated with diamonds of smaller size, with colors assigned based on the pairwise r2 values with the lead SNP in the HapMap CEU sample: red (r2 > 0.8), orange (0.5 < r2 < 0.8), or yellow (0.2 < r2 < 0.5). White indicates either no LD with the lead SNP (r2 < 0.2), or loci in which such information was not available. Recombination rate estimates (HapMap Phase II) are given in light blue, Refseq genes (NCBI) in green.

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