EpiMatrix analysis of human Tregitopes. EpiMatrix Z scores for eight common HLA alleles are shown, for each of the overlapping 9 mer frames for hTregitope 289 (A) and 167 (B). The EpiMatrix Z score indicates the potential of a 9-mer frame to bind to a given HLA allele; the strength of the score is indicated by the shading. The top 5% of scores are shaded medium and the top 1% of scores are shaded darkest. All scores in the Top 5% (Z-Score ≥ 1.64) are considered “Hits.” Scores in the top 10% (shown but not highlighted) are considered elevated; other scores are masked for simplicity. Frames containing four or more alleles scoring above 1.64 are referred to as EpiBars and are highlighted. These frames have an increased likelihood of binding to HLA. Flanking amino acids, added to stabilize the cluster during in vitro testing, are underlined.