Up-regulation of miR106b levels in response to deacetylase inhibitors in primary leukemia cells. (A) Quantitation of Mcm7 and miR106b and in 20 primary leukemia cells exposed to LBH589. (B) Quantitation of Itch in the primary leukemia samples evaluated in panel A. (C) Pearson correlation demonstrating the inverse relation between miR106b and ITCH in paired samples (P < .005, 2-tailed P value, Pearson correlation r = −0.7). (D) Levels of miR106b, RNU6B (loading control for small RNA) as analyzed by qRT-PCR, are compared with the protein levels of Itch, p73, caspase-9 (CF indicates cleaved fragment), and annexin positivity in representative CLL samples.