Serum reactivity to GPIIIa49-66 mimicry peptide and thrombocytopenia in HCV, HIV, and HIV/HCV-ITP patients. Serum samples were collected from immunologic thrombocytopenia patients (15 HCV-ITP [A], 15 HIV-ITP [B], and 15 HIV/HCV-ITP intravenous drug abusers [C]). Serum reactivity to GPIIIa49-66 and its mimicry peptides HCV (PHC09, PHC09-H5, and PHC07) as well as HIV-1 peptide nef and irrelevant peptide (IR) was measured by ELISA with patient sera. SEM is given. Horizontal lines refer to 2 SDs. The severity of thrombocytopenia was evaluated by platelet count (D). Horizontal bar is an arbitrary 30 × 109/L cut-off.