Effect of ADAMTS-18 385-AA fragment on inhibition of FeCI3-induced carotid artery platelet thrombus formation. Swiss-Webster mice were injected intravenously with 35 μg active ADAMTS-18 385-AA fragment or inactive scrambled (sc) AD-18F or 66-AA fragment. The right carotid artery was exposed and an FeCI3 filter paper patch applied 2 hours after intravenous injection. Blood flow (mL/min) was measured with a Doppler flow meter. (A) Mean continuous flow was measured in 6 control (inactive 66-AA fragment), 2 control scAD-18F, and 6 experimental (active AD-18F) mice over a period of 38 to 43 minutes. (B) Same experiment with SEM given every 5 minutes as well as a single saline control experiment. *Statistically significant differences (P < .05) by Student t test (n = 5-6).