KGF does not affect proliferation or apoptosis but does increase the central memory phenotype of tetramer+ cells in vaccinated mice after allogeneic BMT. B6 mice underwent T cell–depleted BMT and were treated with KGF as described in Figure 1. On days 14, 19, 24, 29, and 34, mice were vaccinated with VP22-opt-TRP1 plasmid DNA. On day 40, tetramer+ cells from spleens were evaluated for proliferation (A), apoptosis (B), and central versus effector memory phenotype (C, *P = .009) by staining for Ki-67, cleaved caspase-3, and CD44 and CD62L, respectively, and analyzing with flow cytometry. Central memory and effector memory cells are defined as CD44highCD62Lhigh and CD44highCD62Llow, respectively. Data are pooled from 2 experiments with similar results.