Figure 2
Figure 2. Transcriptional profiling identifies 4 distinct memory CD8α+ T-cell subsets defined by expression of CD161 and CD62L. (A) Principal component analysis shows grouping of gene expression profiles of TN (orange), CD161hi CD62L+ (red), CD161hi CD62L− (green), CD161lo CD62L+ (blue), and CD161lo CD62L− (purple) subsets isolated from 6 healthy individuals. (B) Hierarchical cluster analysis of gene expression in sort-purified memory subsets compared with matched TN cells from 6 healthy individuals shows transcriptionally distinct memory subsets. Genes and subsets are clustered in columns and rows, respectively. All samples of each subset clustered together; therefore, only the names of the clustered subsets and not the individual samples are shown in the figure. Red profiles represent higher gene expression (maximum 32-fold) and green profiles represent lower gene expression (minimum 32-fold) compared with matched TN cells. (C) Volcano plots show differentially expressed transcriptional profiles of CD161hi CD62L+ compared with CD161lo CD62L+ cells (top left), CD161hi CD62L+ compared with TN cells (top right), CD161hi CD62L− compared with CD161lo CD62L− cells (bottom left), and CD161hi CD62L− compared with TN cells (bottom right) from 6 healthy individuals. Each point represents a single gene and/or probe, and type 17 associated genes are color-coded, as indicated in the legend. The numerator and denominator defining the mean log2 ratio of gene expression are listed first and second, respectively, in the volcano plot title; thus, genes expressed at higher levels in the numerator subset are depicted on the right of each plot.

Transcriptional profiling identifies 4 distinct memory CD8α+ T-cell subsets defined by expression of CD161 and CD62L. (A) Principal component analysis shows grouping of gene expression profiles of TN (orange), CD161hi CD62L+ (red), CD161hi CD62L (green), CD161lo CD62L+ (blue), and CD161lo CD62L (purple) subsets isolated from 6 healthy individuals. (B) Hierarchical cluster analysis of gene expression in sort-purified memory subsets compared with matched TN cells from 6 healthy individuals shows transcriptionally distinct memory subsets. Genes and subsets are clustered in columns and rows, respectively. All samples of each subset clustered together; therefore, only the names of the clustered subsets and not the individual samples are shown in the figure. Red profiles represent higher gene expression (maximum 32-fold) and green profiles represent lower gene expression (minimum 32-fold) compared with matched TN cells. (C) Volcano plots show differentially expressed transcriptional profiles of CD161hi CD62L+ compared with CD161lo CD62L+ cells (top left), CD161hi CD62L+ compared with TN cells (top right), CD161hi CD62L compared with CD161lo CD62L cells (bottom left), and CD161hi CD62L compared with TN cells (bottom right) from 6 healthy individuals. Each point represents a single gene and/or probe, and type 17 associated genes are color-coded, as indicated in the legend. The numerator and denominator defining the mean log2 ratio of gene expression are listed first and second, respectively, in the volcano plot title; thus, genes expressed at higher levels in the numerator subset are depicted on the right of each plot.

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