TFI1γ gene expression in CMML monocytes at inclusion. (A) Quantitative PCR analysis of TIF1γ gene expression allowed to define 2 subsets of patients with low (subset 1) or normal/high (subset 2) TIF1γ gene expression compared with healthy monocytes. Subset 1 indicates gene expression lower than mean ± 2 SD of that measured in normal samples; and Subset 2, others. (B) Methylation pattern of the TIF1γ promoter in a series of 5 healthy donors, the 16 patients with low TIF1γ mRNA level (subset 1), and 10 of the 16 patients with normal TIF1γ mRNA level. (C) Kaplan-Meier survival estimates comparing the 2 subsets of patients, based on TIF1γ mRNA level.