Wnt/β-catenin-mediated effects on proliferation are affected by Aurora kinase A levels. (A) Wnt3A CM stimulation of MM1.S cells shows increased β-catenin and AurKA levels. MM1.S cells stably overexpressing β-catenin show increased AurKA levels (B) and enhanced proliferation (C). (D) Immunoblot of stable AurKA shRNA knockdown in MM1.S cells. (E) Cell-cycle profiling of control or AurKA shRNA MM1.S cells show increased G2/M phase. (F) AurKA knockdown in MM1.S decreased proliferation. (G) AurKA shRNA counteracts the positive proliferative effect of β-catenin overexpression or Wnt3A CM stimulation (H). Control (Control GFP) or β-catenin overexpressing cells (β-catenin GFP) were stably transduced with control (■) or AurKA shRNA ([graphic024]) and assayed for proliferation. Proliferation experiments were done in triplicate and repeated twice. The results denote the average and SEM of triplicate assays.