Survival and analyses of white blood cells and hemoglobin levels of NKM and control mice. (A) Kaplan-Meier survival plots for NKM (n = 8), KM (n = 8), NM (n = 6), and Ctr mice (n = 6). (B) White blood cell counts of NKM, KM, NM, and Ctr mice (n > 8 in each group). ***P < .001. (C) Percentage of immature white blood cells in peripheral blood of NKM (n = 4), KM (n = 3), NM (n = 3), and Ctr (n = 3) mice 3 weeks after pI-pC injections. (D) Photographs of typical blood smears evaluated in panel C (original magnification, ×100; 1.30 NA oil objective). Arrowheads indicate myeloblasts. (E) Percentage of blasts was evaluated in BM smears from NKM (n = 3), KM (n = 3), NM (n = 3), and Ctr (n = 2) mice 3 weeks after pI-pC injections. (F, top panels) Photographs of typical bone marrow smears (May-Grünwald-Giemsa staining) evaluated in panel E (original magnification ×100; 1.30 NA oil objective). (Bottom panels) Photographs of sternum sections (hematoxylin and eosin staining; original magnification ×63; 1.40 NA oil objective). (G) Blood hemoglobin concentrations of mice shown in panel B 3 weeks after pI-pC injections. Data are mean and SEM; survival was assessed by the log-rank test; other statistics, 1-way analysis of variance and Tukey posthoc test for multiple comparisons. Images in panels D and F were obtained with an AxioCam camera mounted on an Axioplan 2 microscope and the AxioVision software (release 4.3; Zeiss).