Accelerated engraftment from PGE2 versus vehicle-treated BMMCs. Competitive repopulation assays demonstrate superior engraftment of BMMCs from PGE2-treated donor mice at early time points after competitive transplantation. (A) The percentage of CD45.2-expressing cells in the peripheral blood of recipient mice that received CD45.2-expressing donor cells mixed in a 1:2 ratio with CD45.1-expressing competitor cells (n = 4 donors, 8 recipients/group). (B-C) The percentage of CD45.2-expressing myeloid cells (CD11b+), T cells (CD3ϵ+), and B cells (B220+) in the peripheral blood of recipient mice at 3, 6, and 52 weeks (n = 4 donors per transplantation; n = 5-7 recipients/group). Individual data points from each mouse are shown in panel B. *P ≤ .05; **P ≤ .01; ***P ≤ .001.