Obesity reduces lymphoid pool and increases myeloid progenitors. (A) BM cells from femurs of control and DIO mice (13 months of age; n = 6/group) were stained for lineage markers, CD117, Sca1, and CD127. A representative dot plot show gating strategy (on Linlo cells) and Flt3 expression to define MPP (Flt3+LSK) and CLPs (Lin−Sca1+CD117loCD127+) with CD127 expression depicted as histogram. (B) Flow cytometry analyses of BM cells from 13-month-old control and DIO mice. Obesity increases the subsets of CMPs (Lin−CD127−CD117hiSca1 CD34+CD16CD32−) and MEPs (Lin−CD127−CD117hiSca1−CD34−CD16CD32−) and significantly reduced (P < .05) GMPs (Lin−CD127−CD117hiSca1−CD34+CD16CD32+).