E12.5 Placenta-derived repopulating cells do not express CD150 or CD48. (A) E12.5 embryo after dissection of placenta. P indicates placenta; YS, yolk sac; and E, embryo. The image was captured at room temperature by the use of a Leica MZ16 scope and a Nikon COOLPIX camera. Total approximate magnification ×12. (B) Flow cytometry analysis of E12.5 placenta for CD34, c-Kit, and CD48 expression. Because the placenta contains a large population of autofluorescent cells that make resolution of the c-Kit+CD34med compartment difficult, we also dissociated E12.5 FL and used it as a guide to gate c-Kit+CD34med placenta cells (H. Mikkola, personal written communication, October 2009). (C) A representative mouse 19 weeks after transplantation with CD34medc-Kit+CD48− E12.5 placenta-derived (CD45.2+) B cells (IgM+/CD19+), T cells (CD3+ and/or CD4+/CD8+), and myeloid cells (Gr-1+ and/or Mac-1+). (D) Flow cytometry analysis of CD48 and CD41 expression on E12.5 placenta cells. (E) Flow cytometry analysis of CD150 expression on E12.5 placenta cells. (F) A representative mouse 19 weeks after transplantation with CD150− E12.5 placenta-derived (CD45.2+) B cells (IgM+/CD19+), T cells (CD3+ and/or CD4+/CD8+), and myeloid cells (Gr-1+ and/or Mac-1+).