Gene profiling of MKs after MAL knockdown. CD34+ cells isolated from cord blood and cytapheresis were transduced with the control lentivirus or the lentivirus-expressing shMAL. At day 9 of culture, cells expressing GFP were sorted and mRNA was subjected to microarray analyses using Agilent Human Whole Genome 44K oligonucleotide arrays (A) and to quantitative RT-PCR (B). (A) A total of 1929 and 1436 probe sets were found significantly deregulated in MKs derived from cytapheresis and cord blood, respectively, with a 613 probe set common to both. The table shows primary sequence name, accession number, and fold change of the 20 most down-regulated genes after MAL knockdown in cytapheresis- and cord blood-derived MKs. (B) Validation of microarray data (i) by quantitative RT-PCR (ii) for 12 selected genes. The error bars represent the SD of the mean of 3 repeated experiments each performed in triplicate wells.