TC-PTP is overexpressed in mouse and human B-cell lymphomas. (A) TC-PTP mRNA expression in murine model lymphomas. Total mRNA was extracted from wild-type splenocytes, 3 different primary MYC-driven B-cell lymphomas, and DBL-114 and TBL-1 mouse B-cell lymphoma cell lines. cDNA was prepared and PCR was performed using primers specific to TC-PTP or β-actin, as a control. (B) TC-PTP expression in human BL cell lines. As in panels A and B, total mRNA was extracted from wild-type human B cells and 3 different BL cell lines: RAJI, RAMOS, and DAUDI. PCRs for human TC-PTP and GAPDH were then performed and analyzed by gel. Representative gels of at least 3 repeats. (C) TC-PTP protein expression in murine model lymphomas. TX-100 detergent lysates from purified splenic B cells, primary MYC-driven mouse B-cell lymphomas, and mouse B-cell lymphoma cell lines (DBL-114, DBL-120, TBL-1, and TBL-12) were probed with 6F3 anti-TCPTP and anti–β-actin. Representative blot; each sample was blotted 4 times. (D) TC-PTP protein expression in human BL cell lines. As in panel C, TX-100 protein lysates of wild-type human B cells and 3 different BL cell lines (RAJI, RAMOS, and DAUDI) were probed with CF4-1D anti–human TCPTP and anti–β-actin. Representative blot from a pool of 4.