Genome-wide analysis of CpG methylation in human CD34+ cells compared with CD34− cells. The log2 intensity ratio of CpG methylation (CD34+/CD34−) was averaged from 4 experiments. (A) The mean intensity ratio of probes is shown in 100-bp–sized windows up to 3 kb upstream and downstream of the TSS of known genes; error bar represents 95% CI. Negative log2 ratio values are indicative of a relative undermethylation around the TSS (−150 bp to 300 bp of the TSS) in CD34+ cells compared with CD34− cells. In flanking regions, positive log2 ratio values are indicative of a relative overmethylation in this region, up to 3 kb of upstream and downstream of the TSS, in CD34+ cells. (B) Genome-wide plot of the number of genes with respect to mean log2 ratios for 3 regions around the TSS (−150 bp to 300 bp, −1.5 kb to −150 bp, and 300 bp to 1.5 kb of the TSS). The log2 distribution encompassing the TSS (−150 bp to 300 bp) exhibits a normal-shaped curve with a peak markedly shifted toward negative direction, indicating an undermethylation in this region in CD34+ cells compared with CD34− cells. (C) Separate analysis of log2 intensity ratios for CGI+ and CGI− gene clusters. Log2 ratios for probes for CpG islands (CGI+) and non-CpG islands (CGI−) were separately plotted with respect to distance from the TSS. Both CGI+ and CGI− genes exhibit an undermethylation dip around the TSS in CD34+ cells compared with CD34− cells and CGI− genes are hypermethylated in the flanking regions. (D) A log2 distribution plot of CGI+ and CGI− genes shows the TSS flanking regions of CGI− genes are skewed toward positive values, indicating hypermethylation.